
D’Perspectivas Siglo XXI

Vol.5, Num. 10, Year 2018


The Normal schools haven’t been always wholy valued, their social input is diminished in the social imaginary, due in part to the image wear of the teacher, but also by the educative authorities forgetfulness who have postponed tasks as the updating of their study plans, strenghten their material resources, human and technological, among other things. To know about the Normal education history enables to comprehend the evolution that it has had and the underlying purposes to the implemented reforms in this system, so, it configures a clearer perspective about its achievements and pending tasks.

Portada Artículo 5 de la Revista

Relate life stories trough writing

Rodolfo Castañeda Ramírez / Miguel Hernández Vergara

DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/36v47rpC

The Spanish Educational Program that is offered at the Normal School of Sultepec, is located in section "b" of the specific intellectual competences of the graduation profile, 1999 study plan; refers to the ability of students to 77 express their ideas clearly, simply and correctly in written and oral form...