D’Perspectivas Siglo XXI
Vol.5, Num. 10, Year 2018
The Normal schools haven’t been always wholy valued, their social input is diminished in the social imaginary, due in part to the image wear of the teacher, but also by the educative authorities forgetfulness who have postponed tasks as the updating of their study plans, strenghten their material resources, human and technological, among other things. To know about the Normal education history enables to comprehend the evolution that it has had and the underlying purposes to the implemented reforms in this system, so, it configures a clearer perspective about its achievements and pending tasks.
An interpretive approach to development of Normal Education from 1975 to 2018 through Sociology of Education
Maricela Reyes Vega
DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/pv6r37C4In order to talk about the sociology of education, it is considered necessary to approach each of the terms separately and to make an interpretive approach to how Normal Education has developed, especially for the present work between 1975 and 2018.
Educational imaginary of Normal school students in the middle of initial training
Miguel Hernández Vergara / Rodolfo Castañeda Ramírez
DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/rpv63C47This article shows that the normalista student since entering school is a formable subject, in that journey he faces various challenges: personal and others of a cultural, therefore, social nature.
Importance of organizational climate in school harmony
María Luisa Mendieta Hernández / María del Carmen Gutiérrez Garduño / Bernardo Martínez García
DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/74C3pvr6The study exposes the problematic situation of the organizational climate of a general elementary school in Toluca, where the coexistence of the community influences the development of activities, actions and processes for the achievement of educational purposes.
Secure attachment in children with multiple disabilities
Diana Dalia Martínez Vilchis
DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/4C37r6vpThe importance of attachment lies in being the basis for the future establishment of positive relationships and socio-emotional development. In children with multiple disabilities, this construction is hindered by the emotional state of the mother...
Relate life stories trough writing
Rodolfo Castañeda Ramírez / Miguel Hernández Vergara
DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/36v47rpCThe Spanish Educational Program that is offered at the Normal School of Sultepec, is located in section "b" of the specific intellectual competences of the graduation profile, 1999 study plan; refers to the ability of students to 77 express their ideas clearly, simply and correctly in written and oral form...
D’Perspectivas Siglo XXI, Vol. 5, número 10 es una publicación semestral, editada por Campus Universitario Siglo XXI, S.C.
5 de Mayo No. 304 Centro Loreto, Zacatecas C.P. 98830 Tel. (722) 2183084 www.cusxxi.edu.mx, dperspectivas@cus21.mx
Editor responsable: Eduardo Pérez Archundia.
Reserva de derechos al uso exclusivo: No.04-2016-110413523000-203
ISSN (electrónico): 2448-6566
Ambos expedidos por la Dirección de Reservas de Derechos del Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor.
Responsable de la última actualización de este número: Sonia Yadira Águila Camacho.
Edición realizada por el Departamento de Editorial de Campus Universitario Siglo XXI. Calzada de Barbabosa No. 150, San Antonio Buenavista, Zinacantepec. C.P. 51350. Tel. (722) 3187228.
Este número se terminó de editar el 25 de dicimbre de 2018.
Las opiniones expresadas por los autores no necesariamente reflejan la postura de la revista. Se autoriza la reproducción y/o utilización de los materiales haciendo mención de la fuente.