
Portada PDF Rodolfo Castañeda Ramírez / Miguel Hernández Vergara 25/12/2018 DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/36v47rpC

Relate life stories trough writing


The Spanish Educational Program that is offered at the Normal School of Sultepec, is located in section "b" of the specific intellectual competences of the graduation profile, 1999 study plan; refers to the ability of students to 77 express their ideas clearly, simply and correctly in written and oral form; develops the skills of describing, narrating, explaining, and arguing. Here the theme "The narrative through life stories to promote writing in the students of the Normal School of Sultepec" is inserted. Thus, the object of this investigation is defined by narrative, and the observable empirical object is defined by life stories. Therefore, with respect to the above, an analysis of the difficulties that students have for narrative is projected from the perspective of Cognitive Psychology, which studies narration in the form of knowledge.

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