
Portada José Federico Benítez Jaramillo / Gloria Elvira Hernández Flores 20/03/2021 DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/i6G03s8p PDF HTML

Being in high school from the virtuality. Voices of rural youth


This article present the results of a research conducted with the Academic Body: Education and Power. The research topic was: “Actions with groups in condition of poverty and contexts of vulnerability” (2018-2020) was developed in the transition to the pandemic, which allowed contrasting contexts and situating emerging literacies from the use of digital media. The focus was on youth relationships that move between uses of power, exclusion and vulnerability in the school environment of rural high school institutions located in the north and south of the State of Mexico. Some findings of the written culture and pedagogical link are articulated, as well as emerging literacies that emanate from virtuality; the school practices of the latter are pointed out, which take shape in the life experiences of young people in the face of the pandemic crisis caused by COVID-19, which reveals the deep inequalities that they live in rural spaces to access and dispose of both technologies and the Internet to develop their academic activities. In short, the theoretical positioning used was that of critical pedagogy and the approach chosen was sociocultural; likewise, the research is methodologically based on the qualitative perspective in which the narrative biographical method is used: dialogic encounters are used as spaces for narrative development.