
Portada Pamela Guadalupe Gómez Mendoza / Mario Alberto Cuéllar Romero 20/03/2021 DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/3ps8Gi60 PDF HTML

Reflections on the teaching of mathematics in compulsory education by the Sinic civilization from PISA. Lessons for Mexico


In this reflection, history is examined and the causes of the apparent success are analyzed; in the PISA test of student performance, mainly in China, but also in Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, in mathematics, at the level of compulsory basic education, by analyzing the results of the latest tests, as well as those of Mexico. To understand which experiences can be useful and which are not for the Latin American nation that is clearly lagging behind in these indicators and that is now in a new educational paradigm, where it has incorporated a new metric, while at least partially abandoning the acceptance of the PISA methodology due to the new vision of the current government administration, which poses new challenges, as well as contradictions and some opportunities, in a highly competitive world environment. By doing both a statistical analysis, as well as a historical and strictly educational one.