
Portada PDF Eduardo Hernández Vergara / Seyda Edith Flores Mejía / Carlos Alberto Flores Roa 23/02/2018 DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/29sgb5E1

Professional identity in sultepec’s Normal School


The training of normalistas requires the strengthening of the identity of the teacher - the backbone of the ideological heritage of being and of the professional's duty to be. The various elements involved in the training of students must be brought together, in order to discover the academic and professional sense that allows them to understand and value the social significance of their work as a vocation of service. The student should also be led to an exercise in professionalism with efficiency, suitability and quality. Qualitative research was used within the methodology used to carry out this research work, which allowed us to broaden the vision on this topic. Likewise, in the diagnosis, the use of indicators was considered, in order to obtain information with greater support when considering central aspects: when making the interpretation of various instruments, the triangulation of results was facilitated, which gained greater reliability and validity.

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