
Portada Rocío Bautista de Anda / Sandra Grissel García Campos 18/12/2020 DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/1m91Dzj6 PDF HTML

Implementation of different learning techniques of priority health topic in medical students


The degree internal medicine year is an academic year where the medical students get strengthen of basic knowlege that were learning during their university period. Doctors should be capable to treat the more significant patologies in our country but the classic and monotonous knowledge strategies are not the best so that. Objective: To Analyze if the estategies help to medical students to get significant knowledgle. It had been aplidded a quasi experimental study where there had aplied 6 teaching techniques to the medical students around 2 months. We included 19 participants. The predominant knowledge from each participants had been mesure by their inteligence like visual, auditive or kinestesic. To grading the knowledge of each one there were appliyed multiple Tests at the begining and in the end of the study. At the End of the study there where identified that medical students improved their medical knowledge and their basal average. We propose to continue these activities that help to improve the learning stragies in medical students training.

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