
Portada Emilio David Olvera Rebolledo / Reyna Cardoso Malaquias 03/03/2020 DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/21ak3O8V PDF HTML

The use of ICT, in the teaching of mathematics and its importance in the development of digital skills, for the labour market


Currently, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a mandatory element for teaching at all levels of education, particularly at the higher level. This implies that professional training has to meet the demand for specific skills for the labour market, since they increasingly aim for independent work, with the support of these resources. This document presents the results obtained from a non-probabilistic sample, applied to three groups of fifteen students, when implementing autonomous learning strategies in the conduct of subjects with a load in mathematics, for economicadministrative degrees taught in Grupo Educativo Siglo XXI, in which electronic tools and digital platforms were used for the development of the academic program. From this experience, it is pointed out that the didactic support represented by ICT favors skills for solving mathematical problems, corresponding to research and information management, critical thinking and decision-making. The figure of the teacher is identified as a companion in the construction of knowledge. From a qualitative perspective, a relection is made on the capacities that higher education graduates must develop with ICT, as well as in relation to their impact on the labour market.

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