
Portada Claudia Odette Delgado Trujillo 22/02/2019 DOI: http://doi.org/10.53436/iLY17Xu4 PDF

Perception of sociodigital networks use by teachers from the State of Mexico


The present article shows the results of an exploratory study carried out with teachers from the State of Mexico. This study had as objective to know the perception that theachers have on the use of sociodigital networks. The data was collected through an online questionnaire applied to 161 teachers who work in different localities. The results obtained allow to configure an overview of the way they use them, as well as the notion that they have about the use that the students and they give to sociodigital networks. Finally, it is possible to identify that there are negative meanings towards this kind of networks and although the teachers use them, they have not yet integrated them to their tasks within the educative, so There are no favorable conditions for teachers to be aware of harassment and aggression behavior among their students. Therefore, a pending task is that the schools themselves to carry out an awareness-raising process on the use and scope in education of the virtual social networks, initially directed at the teachers.

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